clear that the Master of Wird
and Wazaif and Recitation
and the People of Zikr
Muraqiba Mukashifa
day and night pray and cry for help with tears in eyes
in the Sanctuary of Allah
Almighty with utmost Sidq
and sincerity and
humbleness and meekness. Their prayer is granted (and accepted) within a week
or a month or in a year at last but what concern the Faqeer
the Muqarrib
People of Visualization
of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
is with prayer and verbal request
when the Kaamil
gets all the Demands fulfilled from the Sanctuary of
just by his thought and Gaze
? That Faqeer
, who knows how to execute
from the Qurb
of Allah
Almighty, his Tawajuh
works until the Day of
Doom and keeps on progressing. Firstly, that person, for him the Faqeer
from the Hazoor
, his need is fulfilled at the same time. Secondly,
has the Tasarruf
of the Wealth of World. That person, unto his endowment
he applies his Tasarruf
, his progeny remains Laa-Yuhtaaj
(free of want) until
the Day of Resurrection.
people pray in the Court of God in humbleness for their needs but the Special
Ones and the Beloveds of God whenever knock the door of Allah
Almighty for any
demand through Tawajuh
and Visualization, Allah
Almighty knows condition of
their hearts and they have to say nothing by their tongues and their need is
fulfilled. They do not need to cry and weep for that. It was a time that in the
beginning the Holy Prophet Hazrat
Muhammad Sal Allahu
Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
and his Holy Companions Radhi-ya-Allahu
Ta-aala Anhum
offered Assalaat
(Prayers) facing
towards Bait ul Muqaddas as this had been the Qiblah
of all Holy Prophets Alaihimus-Salaam
The Jews and Christians of that time took it as a discredit and they used to
stop people from embracing Islam that Muhammad of Arab Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
also offers
worship facing Qiblah
of the Jews and Christians and as such he
is also follower
and obedient to the Prophets of the Jews and Christians and his
religion is same
as them. Hence, there is no need to believe in his
new religion. A
thought passed by the blessed heart of his highness
to get a distinct
fixed by Allah
Almighty for Muslims and one day his highness
looked up unto
heavens with this thought and desire and Hazrat Jibraaeel Ameen
(Gabriel) Alaihis-Salaam
at once descended from
Heaven with this Order of Allah
have seen the turning of your face to heaven (O Muhammad
). And now verily We shall make you turn
(in prayer) toward a Qiblah
which is dear to you (2:144)

his highness
changed his Qiblah
at the same moment. Thus, here it is only mentioned 'the
turning of your face' only and there is not mentioned any prayer of his
so that this
should become clear that what are the ways of praying of the Special Ones and
what are the ways of the Acceptance!