of the aforementioned things, the Kaamil Faqeer reveals (and discovers)
by the Kunah (Depth) of the Kalimah-e-Tayyeb
Laaa-Ilaaha Ill-Allahu
Muhammad-ur-Rasoolu-Allah: there is none worthy of worship except Allah;
Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah
shows all of these things to the Seeker across the letters of the
Kalimah-e-Tayyeb as this Haq is Legitimate (and permissible)
from the end of Almighty Haq . The Granter is also Right.
Seeker of Allah becomes Laa-Yuhtaaj in this
world and the Next World after getting the Ilm of this kind from the Murshid-e-Kaamil.
That person, who, in the very first day, reads the lesson through the Kunah
(Depth) of the Kalimah-e-Tayyeb
Laaa-Ilaaha Ill-Allahu
Muhammad-ur-Rasoolu-Allah: there is none worthy of worship except Allah;
Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah
because of this very Ism-e-Azam, the Eighteen Thousand Realms and the
entire creatures, which is the part, become submissive to him and he who
is the Emir of the total creations, the part is
dependent upon the total and the total is Laa-Yuhtaaj .
The Murshid-e-Kaamil takes the Seeker unto Kull (total) by
giving him the teaching of the Juzve (part). The Ilm of the Juzve
is Taufeeq and the Ilm of the Kull (total) is the Taufeeq
of Tahqeeq
(verification) and is the Truthful companion (Ba Haq
That Seeker, who reads the lesson from that Murshid, who is the Jamey
(Comprehensive) in the Ilm of the part and total in
the first day, he does the Mujahida and (sees) the spectacle of
the total and part and the treasures of the Kimiya of both
worlds comes into his possession and control by the power of the Visualization.
He becomes Aamil in every Amal and Kaamil in every Tasarruf
. That Kaamil Seeker, who knows the Ilm of the part
and total in quite start of the Taleem and Talqeen , he,
then, is left with no want of the Riyazat , Mujahida , Ilm
and Hikmat for his entire life as this is what is called the Maratib
of Jamiyat and the Mansib (office) of Jamiyat is got from the
Murshid-e-Kaamil. The Mujammil (overall Abstract) compendium
is called Jamiyat. The total and part of the customs and practices
and the written records, texts and accounts of the entire living and
existing creatures are achieved be covering the each and every letter of
Taa'at (obedience and servitude) and the spectacle of Both-the-Worlds
can be seen on the palm of hand or the back of foot and in the fist or one can
see on the back of the fingernail. This too is called the Jamiyat Khatraat
inside the body, which deprives one from the Marifat of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) . The Jamiyat Khatraat
is like a disease in the perplexed (and turbulent) body the treatment of which
is the honor of the Didaar of God by which the Mushahida of the ascension
of Jamiyat is seen perpetually [that is, Jamiyat is achieved
forever through it] and then, with the Fazal (Grace) of God, he becomes Laa-Yuhtaaj
and free of worries. He faces neither Rijat nor the Decadence (and
downfall) nor is he afraid of Disqualification (Salb) or wrongdoing.
The Hazoori , Marifat of Lord , the Qurb
and Wisaal
of God
are achieved through Jamiyat. The Maratib of Jamiyat are tremendous.