he has the Maratib of Living-Heart , dead Nafs
, Hasti (existence),
Neesti (naught), Sakhti (severity), Aasaani (easiness), Weerani (desertedness),
Abaadi (thriving), Jamiyat
and perplexity. These Maratib are of that
Faqeer, who is Emir of the Worlds and is Roshan-Zamir .
Such person is dominant over the entire creatures, is true Arif seated
in this throne of the Faqar 'Lo! Allah
is able to do everything'
and the entire world
runs under his Command. These Maratib are of the Faqeer
(Destroyed in Allah
) whose condition (Haal)
is the testifier of the "When Faqar reaches unto its extremity
(and entirety), that is Allah"
. For example, Hazrat
Rabia Basri Rahmatu-Allahe
Ta-aala Alaiha
Bayazid Bastami Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala
are endowed with this
caliber, in whose hand the Key of the Worlds should be and should have
the Marifat of Tauheed. That Faqeer , who is not endowed
with these calibers, he is the one, who is of the People of Taqleed
and a adherent of woman.
should be in knowledge that the Kaamil human being is always in the Demand
for the Didaar of God and the Imperfect is the seeker of carrion
(World) like a stupid.
The Marifat, the Tauheed
and the Hikmat all of
them lead unto God,
You will attain unto the Station of Gharq
Fi Allah
with Baqaa
through studying the page of heart.
that the Ghaus and Qutab , though will spend all their lives in Riyazat
and Mujahida , will not be able to even reach unto the first Martaba
of the Faqar as the first Martaba of the Faqar is the Didaar
of Lord
attaining the honor of seeing Didaar is realized through Fanaa of Nafs
, living Qalb
and the Baqaa
of Ruh. Hence, the Martaba of the Fanaa
and Baqaa
can never be achieved without becoming honored with the Didaar
of God nor can Faqeer become Waasil with Allah without this.
should be in knowledge that what is the difference between the Maratib
of the Ghaus and Faqeer? The difference is in this that the Ghaus,
Qutab can travel and sightsee the entire Stations from the Arsh
to beneath the sod (earth) and the entire strata of earth and heavens
and can study the Loh-e-Mahfooz and can accomplish travelling in
the seventy thousand Stations above the Arsh with one gaze
and all these Stations are under the Order of the Ghaus and
Qutab. Hence, these are called the Maratib of the Ultimate (Muntahi
Maratib) but the Faqeer does not even gaze
upon these Maratib
as he is always immersed in the Anwaar of the Didaar of Lord
. He is honored
with the Didaar of Lord
and Mushahida from the Hazoori
and the Qurb
of God is got by him and he is the favorite of the gaze
of Allah