We are Muslim
since the Day of Azal and declare
'Yes, verily' (7:172) [You
are our Lord],
Then what will we do with the blossom of Garden
without the Friend?
Station of Abad is Haq (Truth), we swear to the Respect
of Allah
Almighty! If all
the seven heavens are filled with fire of Hell, even then the Fire of
(Cordiality and Affection) is more intense than that. Hence, he
who has seen the Fire of the Muhabbat (Cordiality and Affection)
of Lord, there lasts no reality of the fire of Hell thence.
O Bahu Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe! People burn
for a day in the Station of Ishq,
Nevertheless, our condition is this that we burn
every hour (and chant) You give us life again and kill us again!
be for Allah! We plunge in every breath and find the Station
of Tauheed in heart same as the heart of a king becomes happy upon
conquering a domain (we also). The Dead Heart and with gloomy Damm
is the Cattle able to speak, who does not know the Reality of
Being and shows heedlessness unto his Rightful Lord. And those people,
who are the Goshawks of Lamakaan, they are the Khush al Haan (tuneful
and euphonious) like (Cockatiel) parrots and are locked in the cage of
Dunya (World) because of their inanity. Moreover, all that which happens
for the Arif and he bears, it is known by Allah
only. 'Lo! He has proved
a tyrant and a fool" (33:72)' and this is the situation of the Station of
Abad that 'On the day when a man flees from his brother. And his mother
and his father. And his wife and his children. Every man that day will have
concern enough to make him heedless (of others)' (80:34-35-36-37)
addition, He said this:
is he that intercedes with Him except by His leave (2:255)
Saadiq is he, who remains doing Zikr and Fikr day and
night. He should know deed of virtue and sin and should identify God lest he
should be ashamed in front of Eighteen Thousand Realms that Day.
He should strive for the deeds of goodness so that he should be Accepted
in the Sanctuary (Court) of Lord.
Same as Aalim will hardly choose to sit in the company of the Jaahil;
it is also difficult for the Aalim to keep the company of the Marifat
of Lord and the Pir-e-Kaamil (Pir e Kaamil). And
their difficulty is not eased as long as someone does not kill their Nafs
and fetch them out of Ilm and a Murabbi (Mentor) is not got by