The makeup [and Reality] of heart is
found by the Ilm of Daal
? Daal
implicates upon the Qurb of
God and being the Waasil-Bi-Allah,
The (Letter of alphabet) Daal
of (the word) Didaar
guides unto
the Wahdat and Liqaa of Allah,
makes the heart
Seeqal (polished) and brings about its spotlessness.
The Arif-Bi-Allah Aulia-Allah
the Talmeez-Ur-Rahmaan stays dominant
upon the Nafs , Satan
and Dunya (World). World strives for
him and is anxious for him. No matter with how much humbleness and despondency Dunya
(World) greets him, he does not accept it. The Faqeer of this kind
is the Owaisi , Sarwari , Sarmadi , the one who is of the People of Anwaar
the one who is of the People of Didaar, the one who is of the People of Baqaa
the one who is of the People of Liqaa
, the one who is of the People of Pure
Inward, the one who is of the People of Bashfulness (and modesty) and the one
who is of the People with Destroyed Nafs and he has the eternal Hazoori
in the Majlis of Hazrat
Muhammad Mustafa
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
dear! It should be appreciated that truthfulness gives salvation and falsehood brings
and all that, which the Faqeer
says with the reverence of
the Respect of Allah
Almighty, says by the Order of God and Proclamation of
the Prophet Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
under his own desire. Allah
Almighty, when created the Spirits form His
Noor and created me
with the Eternal Power,
He honored me
with His Didaar on the same day by His Beneficence of Grace and
Munificence. Since that Day to now, every breath, every hour, every
moment and every second I
am immersed in the Didaar
of Allah
Almighty. I
am never disassociated with His Didaar
even for a second. I
was honored with the Didaar of
God in Azal and will always remain honored all the time with Didaar
of God throughout my life in the world.
talk with
people in world Outwardly, yet remain honored with the Didaar of God
in Inward all the times. I
will always remain honored with the Didaar
of Lord
the grave as well and will remain honored with the Didaar of God in the Great
Assembly on the Day of Doom also. I
will also remain honored with Didaar
of Lord
the Garden of Eternity and gazing upon the Houries and Palaces is
Haraam (Illicit) on me
(Saying of the Holy Prophet of Allah
Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
The Saadaat
created from my
back, the Ulema
are created from my
bosom, and the Faqeers are
created from the Noor of Allah