OF DAWAT] (In) the Ilm of Dawat (through)
heart, the tongue of heart recites the Glorious Quran. In the
Ilm of Dawat (through) tongue, should first write "Kun
Fa Yakoon" [Be! And it is! (36:82)] over tongue with the ink of the tongue
of the Ism-e-Azam because 'the tongue of Faqeers
becomes the Sword of
[Lord]'. The Kaamil
Master of Dawat
[when] reads the
Holy Quran with the tongue of Qalb, [then that Dawat] takes him
up to the Qurb of Lord and the Qudrat e Amar
e Ruh
recites the Glorious Quran verbally on the tongue of the Master of Ilm
of Dawat, which delivers him in the Spiritual Majlis
of the
Holy Prophets Alaihimus-Salaam and the Honorable
Rahmatu-Allah Ta'ala Alaihim. In the Ilm of Dawat, upon
reciting the Glorious Quran with the tongue of Damm, Answer of
Question is received from the Hazoor. In the Ilm of Dawat, when the Holy
Quran is recited with the tongue of the Noori
Taufeeq then by this, Noor
and only Noor
comes in all throughout the body from top to toe. Each spoken
of this Master of Noor
is from the Qurb of Hazoori. In the Ilm of Dawat, when the Glorious
Quran is read with the tongue of Nafs, the sensuality of
the Nafs-e-Ammara gets totally eliminated in his body by this [that is,
the Nafs-e-Ammara of the Master of Dawat totally ceases to exist]. [IN HOW MUCH TIME,
IS GOT HOLD OF] The Ilm of Dawat
in a Damm, Ilm
of Dawat
in an hour, Ilm of Dawat in a day and night, Ilm of
Dawat in a week, Ilm of Dawat in a month, Ilm of Dawat in a
year, Ilm of Dawat in the past and future and present is also acquired and
he, who reads the Glorious Quran through Dawat in the Qurb
of Divine,
he is Lamakaan in the Lahoot. That cannot be called Ghaib Daani (prescience),
but it is Ain-Ayani. Ghaib Daani is, but, the Jununiyat, demoniac
and the goblin of wilderness. Moreover, this Course of Ain-Ayani
is attained neither through Kashf nor through Karamat but can
be attained through becoming Fanaa-Fi-Allah Zaat (Destroyed in
the Essence) in
real sense and such person is the Muqarrib of Allah, the Aalim-Bi-Allah,
the Aalim
Muntaha (Ultimate) and the Kaamil Faqeer. [THE POWER OF THE
AL MUZZAMMIL] The Master of Dawat
through Dua-e-Saifi
and Surah
Al Muzzammil
(73), when recites in frequency (and sequence), he
causes the Arsh
the Kursi, the Loh-O-Qalam, and the nine heavens and all seven trays
of earth shaken in such a way that the Arwah (Spirits) of the Holy
Prophets and Aulia-Allah learn Lesson and Angels get
flabbergasted. Kashful Asrar Kashf ul Asrar pdf download Install app |
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