Thus in this way, it compulsory
on the Murshid that he should solve the problem of each of the Seekers
and show them on their Station by splitting them from each other and
should talk with each one individually.
What I mean is this that, in the human
body, Nafs is like king and Satan is like its advising
minister. Such a separation should be created between the Nafs and
Satan that the Satan should never be able to enter inside the
body after that. When the Nafs and Satan have gone apart, at the
same time, the Seeker reaches onto the Martaba of the Aulia-Allah
and the Marifat
of Lord
? is attained
by him. The Murshid is the Master-of-gaze . He makes everything
present by his Tawajuh.
Faqar is with
performance of Obligations, demand Sunnat after this,
The Murshid the
one, who is of the People of Bidat, has traits of dog.
Erase every that Naqsh and
Naqqaash, which is besides Allah
in your heart. Inscribe the Name
, the Name
, the Name
, the Name Hu
and the Name Muhammad
Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
on your heart as prominent as
is the ink of words and lines written on paper. Neither the word
leaves page
nor does the page part from the word. In similar fashion, unification of
the Name-Allah-the-Essence
should be with the body of the Seeker
the Name-Allah-the-Essence
and the body of the Seeker
should mix
together like water in milk or salt in food; or as spark is inside fire; or as Ruh is in body; or as gold is in the crucible
(of goldsmith).
The Maratib of this kind
are of the Master of Visualization of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
, who
inscribes it by Exercise with Tafakkur . It implies
that if you assemble all the Sawaab of
the Outward
and Inward deeds (of virtue) and worship of all the Ulema-e-Aamil,
Kaamil Faqeers, the Angels, Devout, ascetic
(worshippers), Jinn
and Human
beings on the face of earth from Hazrat Adam
to the Day of Judgment. Even then, that
Tafakkur , through which the Master of Visualization of the
inscribes once in his body through Exercise,
is better than all of them. This is the worship which is better than Both-the-Worlds
(that is, Ebadatis-Saqlain).