His Didaar in the Outward is not
possible for the creatures,
There is no danger and ignominy from His Didaar
in the Ilm ,
The physical make of the creation is just from mud
and soil,
And with the Noor of His Didaar, heart
becomes Pure and Clean,
It is rose or some other flower,
You will lose reputation upon eating these flowers,
If that flower is received from the blessed empty hand
of the Overlord of Prophets Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee
By eating this flower, you will become the Kaamil
This relief is achieved by virtue of the
Great Faqar through keeping upon the Straight Path by the mercy
of the Noble Prophet Hazrat
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
. Because of the
favor of Didaar, sometimes the Faqar that falls down straight (Faqar-e-Mukibb)
is got and sometimes that one, which is of Muhabbat
(Cordiality and
Affection) (Faqar-e-Muhibb ). If he eats that flower, the Ilm of the
Holy Quran, Hadis
reveal unto him, and he domineers upon the damned Iblees. However,
he, who is stupid Jaahil, he becomes malignant by discontinuing offering
Assalaat (Prayers). There is great difference between the Ilm of
the Aalim of Outward and the Ilm of the Aalim of the Invisible
Inward. The Ilm-of-Inward (Inwardly Ilm) is neither wrong nor does
it face downfall (or Decline). The Marifat of God and the Qurb
and Wisaal are got through it. Neither he faces Rijat from it
nor does he face Salb (divestment and disqualification). His Qalb
becomes Living and the Taufeeq and Tahqeeq like "and my
welfare (Taufeeq) is only in Allah" (11:88)
is achieved. He is called the Aulia-Allah
and Faqeer
Wali-Allah, who keeps whole Tasarruf of
the wealth of Kimiya in (his) Amal (practice) and then does not
allow a single penny of the world to his Nafs. This is the truth. Of
course! This is the truth! For the attainment of the Didaar of God and
achievement of the Qurb of God, True-Seekers are quite rare. I
have not seen any such Aalim, who reads Ilm (just) for the sake
of the Marifat, Qurb
and Didaar with only intention of the Enlightenment
of heart and wakefulness of Qalb instead they acquire Ilm for
sake of worldly sustenance and vocation.
That Aalim,
who is egocentric and too much proud and haughty, is not Aalim ,
In reality, he
is Aalim , whose gaze
is upon Haq,
Every study of Ilm
should be for Marifat of God,
As, in absence
of Marifat, the Aalim keeps Satanic calibers,
Demand His Wasal
and make Waseela your guide of the way,
So that the Ilm
of the Wahdat of Allah
Almighty should be got by you!