The best and the easiest way is that the
Name Allahbe got
written by some scriber (or calligrapher) in a beautiful script and its Naqsh
should be inscribed on the heart and brain (through Visualization).
The Seeker should sit and close his eyes and do its Visualization
and keep his Inwardly attention focused on it.
If one feels difficulty in inscribing
the Naqsh of the Name-Allah-the-Essence (Ism-e-Allah-Zaat)on every part of the body, then
inscribe (and write) at the place where it can be easily inscribed
and the practice should be done for that Name first which can
successfully be written easily and with less effort and after closing his eyes
he should concentrate his attention and mental focus only on the action of inscribing
and the Naqsh of the Name Allah the Essence.
There is no fixed time for exercise of the
Visualization of the Name-Allah-the-Essence (Ism-e-Allah-Zaat)and one can do it
whenever he likes but the recommended time is from the dawn of the day till to
the time of rising of the sun or the middle hour between sunrise and the
meridian. When the Name-Allah-the-Essence (Ism-e-Allah-Zaat)has become inscribed
(and written) in the Noori (Photic) alphabets in the body of the
Master of Visualization, then it by itself decides its place and fixes its roots
in its specific place inside the body.