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Muhkumul Faqara


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Otherwise, if he is unblessed Mard, (his purpose will get fulfilled) in the second night and if he is a hypocrite, his purpose will be fulfilled on the third night and his work will surely be done. This Dawat is called "Mustajaab-ud-Dawaat" as this Dawat is surely Accepted. That person, who bears doubt about it in his mind, it is feared that he will become Kaafir!




The Dawat of the Master of Wisaal, the Dawat of Jinn, the Dawat of Muakalaat, the Dawat of the Ahl e Qaboor (People-of-Graves) with the Spirits, the Dawat of the People-of-Hazoor - this Dawat is the Station of the Ascendance, the Dawat of travelling (and walking at Stations) and visit of Burooj (Mansions of Stars), the Dawat of getting unified with God Almighty, the Dawat of reaching unto the Arsh from beneath the sod (earth), the Dawat to bring the Nafs in control and to repel Satan. With what thing all these Dawaat have link? What will the cows and donkeys know the Reality of offering Dawat!


Only he recites this Dawat, who has Order of Allah Almighty and the permission (and authorization) from Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam and Hazrat Pir Dastgeer Ghaus us Samadani Qutab e Rabbani Sayyed Abdul-Qadir-Jelaani - the Dominant Aulia the Knight-Rider of Both-the-Worlds.


That person, who is granted permitted (and authorization), all the creatures of the entire universe, the Eighteen Thousand Realms, Jinn, Monsters, angel, Muakalaat, Arch Angels and the Roohaneen of the People of Islam and all the Ahl e Qaboor (People-of-Graves) all are under his command and control at the time he offers Dawat. He himself is harmless (with least burdens) and is the Master of Mysteries and [all] the Ghaus and Qutab are his riding (under his weight).



I am the Knight-Rider of Knight-Riders,

And entire Ghaus and Qutab [buried] in earth are my riding (on their graves).


Kaamil Master of Dawat and Aamil Faqeer is he, who after meeting and shaking hand with all the Spirits from Hazrat Adam Alaihis-Salaam to the Seal of Prophethood - Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam and from Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam to all the Spirits of all the times to come, and takes their oaths and pledge. That person, who has these Maratib, the following four kinds of the Invisible armies always accompany him:


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