otherwise, the recitation of the Ism-e-Azam from the Holy Quran suits
for this person, because which if is read, the Fourteen Strata, Madinah
Munawwara, Makkah Muazma, the Arsh e Akbar (the Highest Throne) and
everything from the Arsh to earth should start shaking and the Sprits
of the entire Holy Prophets Alaihimus-Salaam ,
the Asfiya
, the Holy Messengers (of Allah) Alaihimus-Salaam .
and the living and deceased Aulia-Allah
Faqeer Wali-Allah
, Dervish
, Arif-Bi-Allah
, Ghaus
, Qutab
, Abdaal
, Autaad
and the Spirits
of all of the Eighteen
Thousand Realms should shiver by Hairat and the Angels should
learn portent warning lesson (with example) and all creatures should stand
up with hands risen for prayer in the Sanctuary (Court) of Lord. As long
as the person reading this Dawat has not meet his desired quest, the
Spirits of the Prophets Alaihimus-Salaam ,
, Messengers (of Allah) Alaihimus-Salaam ,
the Holy Companions Radhi-ya-Allahu Ta-aala Anhum ,
Mujtahid, Ulema-Bi-Allah
Aulia-Allah , and the Momin
remain in his control and cannot get rid of this Dawat. No other (Dawat)
is harder and dominant than this Dawat. Nothing can overcome the Mansib
(office) of grave. If this kind of Dawat is read on a mountain,
which is tougher than iron even, it would melt like paraffin wax or if there is
a castle of iron or stone loftier even than air and only birds can reach its
battlements (and slits) by flying and none other can reach there, upon reading
this Dawat , the people of castle lose power and submissively appear before
the executor of Dawat and become obedient to him or some sudden epidemic
hits the people of this castle that none survives against it. By recitation of
this Dawat , the Muakalaat Angels throw the people of castle down
tied by rope due to which the conquest of the castle becomes easy. That person,
who reads this Dawat endowed with glory, the entire empires in
the land, every Wilayat and all countries of the east to west come under
his authority within a week. For him, this is nothing hard. No matter whether
the Kaamil and Aamil
performer of this Dawat fills his stomach with (the
meat of the) powerful animals or beautiful ones, no side effect comes to
him because his body has matured and Purified by the
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) . And he, whose body has become matured
and Pure, why will he fear from the Angel Muakal Roohani
and Jununiyat ? Since the Kaamil is absorbed in the Visualization
of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat) , therefore he becomes dominant with Tasarruf
over the Spiritualism of graves.