It means Possessions and utilizations with due ability to utilize it also means possessions dispossessions repossessions arrogations and seizures. Tasarruf (Ta-sar-ruf) means Possession and utilization with due ability to utilize it also means to possess dispossess repossess arrogate and seize. Beginning of every Tasarruf (possession) is in the Tasarruf (dispossession); Without Tasarruf (Spending) the human being remains far away from Allah (P45 Noor ul Huda Klaan. The accomplishment of Visualization and Tassaruf is the Station of the Hayyu (The Alive) the Qayyum (The Eternal) (P101 Jamey ul Asraar). Plural is Tassarufaat. Please also see P55 Noor ul Huda Khurd P101 Jamey ul Asraar P112 Ain ul Faqar.