It is plural of Qalb. Generally Qalb means "Heart" (plural is Quloob)." As per a sacred Hadis: "There is a clot in human body called "Fawaad" (Heart). In the Fawaad is the Qalb; in Qalb is the Ruh; in the Ruh is the Sirr" (P154 Noor ul Huda Klaan). For specific meanings and more details please also read P21-P52-P48-P49 Taufeeq ul Hidayat P19 Muhabbat ul Asraar P27 Kaleed e Tauheed P75 Jamey ul Asraar. At P75 Emir ul Konain Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihe says that: Lo! Qalb is not the name of a cluster of flesh but instead Qalb is that which is full of Marifat Muhabbat and the Mushahida of Anwaar and is honored with Didaar of the Anwaar and is Mast since the Day of the Alast {the Day when Allah asked the entire spirits: Am I not your Lord (7:172)}. Please also read P107-P156 Emir ul Konain P08-P09 Kaleed e Tauheed P-314 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan. Qalb is the Qurb of Lord and Essence of Allah (P21 Taigh e Barhana).