Means Whole Heart (26:89 37:84). That which turns his face away of the entire creation and faces towards the Creator and does not demand from Lord anything other than Lord (P64 Jamey ul Asraar). Please also see P11 Miftah ul Arifeen P35 Emir ul Konain). According to meanings of a Sacred Hadis: Heart is of three kinds: Qalb-e-Saleem Qalb-e-Muneeb {50:33} and Qalb-e-Shaheed. Qalb-e-Saleem is that which contains nothing besides Allah Almighty Qalb-e-Muneeb {50:33} is that which thinks only that everything is going to return to Allah Almighty and Qalb-e-Shaheed is that which is witnessing Haq and that which witnesses His Ability in everything. Please also see P52 Taufeeq ul Hidayat P32 Muhik ul Faqar Khurd P35 Emir ul Konain P271 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan.