Qabeel and Habeel were sons of Hazrat Adam Alaihis-Salaam. Both decided to offer charity for the Pleasure of God. Qabeel offered "useless stuff" for the votive while Habeel chose the best goat of his livestock and offered it for immolation. The votive of Qabeel was "rejected" as it was not worthy to be "accepted" and that of Habeel was "accepted". As was the "practice" of that time a fire fell from heavens and burnt the "offered votive" of Qabeel. Qabeel became angry and killed his brother - Habeel and walked here and there on earth lifting his dead body on his shoulders as this was the first incidence of death on earth as he knew not how to burry a dead body. At last a crow showed how to burry a dead one and Qabeel grieved at his condition