The Nafs e Mut-ma-inna has been mentioned at 89:27-28-29-30 in the Holy Quran. He of whos Nafs has Affinity (and Attachment) with the Ilm of Shariyat the Aalim the Perfect Faqeers the pitiful and theists and that remains Drowned into the Zikr of the Lord and remains Gharq (Drowned) in Masti; he is the Perfect in the gestures of Abudiyat and Rabubiyat this Nafs is called Nafs-e-Mutmaina (P23-24 Muhabbat ul Asraar). Nafs-e-Mutmainna is that which has attained the satisfaction [of Qalb] and Satisfaction is called that thing that the entire inclination of the Master (of this Nafs) should be towards the Tauheed and Marifat of Lord and the Worship of Lord only for attaining the Qurb of Almighty God. This Nafs-e-Mutmainna is assigned to the Holy Messengers (of Allah) Alaihimus-Salaam and the Nafs of the Aulia-Allah the Masters of Mujahida and Marifat is also the Mutmainna (P54 Muhik ul Faqar Khurd). When the Nafs comes in the constraint of the Qalb and the Ruh it is called the Nafs-e-Mutmainna and its form becomes Noorani (luminous) (P80 Emir ul Konain). For specific meanings and more details please also see P23-24 Muhabbat ul Asraar P26 Majalisa Tun Nabi P53 Muhik ul Faqar Khurd P07-P08-P11 Kaleed e Tauheed P108 Jamey ul Asraar P76 P91 Ain ul Faqar P34-P84 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan. Please also read P105-106 (P53) of Irfaan-II of Hazrat Faqeer Noor Muhammad Sarwari Qadiri Rahmatullah Alaihi.