It is plural of Majzoob. Majzoob means the person who is Rapt in Love with physical condition like a madman. It also means absorbed or preoccupied or attracted one. Ilm-ul-Yaqeen is tested with wisdom as the Dignified Ulema have Yaqeen on Ilm and in the middle is the Ilm of Mushahida and that is the Station of Majzoob. The Ain-ul-Yaqeen sees the Noor of God through the Tajalliyaat of Almighty Allah the Holy and Glorified but does not maintain vast courage (and mettle) and does not have capacity to bear the power of the Marifat of God and they become crazy mad and Majzoob because of the abundance of the overwhelming effects the Zikr and Fikr and the Fire of Ishq and Muhabbat and the hotness of the Wajad (Spiritual trance) (P172 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan). Please also read P04 P05 Miftah ul Arifeen P76 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan. Its Plural is Majzoobeen. For a better understanding Pleaes read P17 Ain ul Arifeen P33 Kaleed e Jannat P43-44 (P72) of Makhzan al Asraar P22 Ain ul Faqar.