Istadraaj (Is-tad-raaj) is a miracle type extraordinary outcome or upshot that is the result of ones approach and expertise but this outcome is not intended for and not considered numinous and is not in conformity with Islam Shariyat and true spirit of Sufism as such person considers this as his self achievement. Hazrat Shaikh Junaid Baghdadi Rahmatullah Alaihe and Hazrat Shibli Rahmatullah Alaihe say that when you see a Sufi and the books of Tafseer are not in front of him and the books of Hadis are not on his right hand side and the books of Fiqah are not on his left hand side [that is he goes against these] then you should understand that he is Satan and whatever is shown by him it is all his scheme (of delusion) and Istadraaj (P13 Kashf ul Asraar). For specific meanings and more details please also see P80 Jamey ul Asraar P136 Emir ul Konain P43 P52 Aqal Baidaar P234 Noor ul Huda Klaan P301 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan. Please also read P211-212 (P156) of Makhzan al Asraar.