Word Initiation (with Capital I) has also been used for Bai-at in translation. The term Baiat means the Oath of Allegiance for entrance in the Inwardly Family whereby the Seeker under Initiation (Bai-at) confides his cause to the will and wish and the order and the command of the Initiator called the Pir Murshid after placing his hand on the hand of Pir Murshid for his Guidance on the Course of Inward called Salook. That Seeker (Taalib) who seeks Initiation on the hand of the Pir Murshid is called Mureed of that Pir. Pir is that Saintly Guide who Initiates (Bai-at) the Seekers on his hand. Plural of Pir is Piraan. Please also see P93 Jamey ul Asraar P131 Emir ul Konain P189 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan. Please also read P06 Qurb e Didaar.