It is another name of Faqar e Iztarari. It means that humiliating Faqar which falls down straight. Faqar is of two kinds: One is Faqar-e-Iztarari that is the Nigun Saar (that falls down straight) for which refuge in Allah has been sought for in the Hadis: We seek refuge in Allah against that Faqar which falls down straight (that is Faqar-e-Mukibb). This is that Faqar which is imposed by Allah on a person in wake of his wretchedness or because of his bad doings. Such Faqeer begs at every door cries and does a shameful act of spreading his hands before others like a panhandler. This Faqar is that which is not that which is chosen by will but is forced on him. Other one is Faqar-e-Ikhtiyari which is chosen by will by the high-spirited Faqeers in spite of the fact that they possess power ability the pomp of the Dunya (World) dignity and respect and yet they prefer Faqar and become Dervish Faqeers in order to win the gladness (and accreditation) and Raza of God. They are not compelled to become Faqeers by any other circumstances and they assume Faqar as their own will. This is that Faqar on which Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam has felt pride (Expl. by Janab Dr. K. B. Naseem Rh. and P39 Aqal Baidaar. Please also read P11 Didaar Bakhsh Khurd P79 Emir ul Konain P05 Didaar Bakhsh Klaan P39 Aqal Baidaar P34 Noor ul Huda Klaan)