Generally means Trust esteem regard reputation or credit. Yaqeen (Certainty) delivers a person unto the degree of Eitibaar (trust) and Eitibaar (Eite-baar) is the name of Didaar and the Martaba of Eitibaar is granted to the Arif the one who is of the People of Didaar. Eitibaar takes to the degrees of the Eitiqaad (Conviction) and Eitiqaad is totally Ittehad (union) and the Martaba of the genuineness in Fanaa-Fi-Allah (Destruction in Allah) Gharq (Drowned) in Noor and the Pure (holy) Tauheed (P42 Emir ul Konain). The Eitibaar (trust) is the Waseela of Didaar (P14 Didaar Bakhsh Klaan). Please also see P132 Emir ul Konain P137 Noor ul Huda Klaan.