Repeated reading certain Words upto specified limit. With reference to recitation of Dawat Amal Wazaif etc. It means that number of times set for the repeated recital of Words of Revelation which an Aamil needs to follow in order to get these Words transferred from his tongue to his heart so that his heart also starts speaking same Words along with the tongue and the Amal of those Words initiates and gets its due reward and impletation. Moreover these Maratib are also from the Tajalli of the Anwaar of the Didaar from the Qurb of Allah those Maratib which are of the broken heart and the broken (dilapidated) grave. But that broken grave buried person of the grave should have been wrapped in the Anwaar of the Wahdaniyat of Allah Almighty and that heart which gets wrapped in the Unremitting Tajalli of the Personal Name of Allah Almighty! Sawaab of one breath and onetime of such Zaakir-e-Qalbi is equivalent to the Sawaab of Seventy Thousand Times complete recitations of the Holy Quran! This type of the Zaakir-e-Qalbi of Hazoor the Master-of-Qalb of Noor is called Dur-Maddoor Haafiz-e-Rabbani P259 Noor ul Huda Kalan. Please also read P25 Didaar Bakhsh Klaan P154 Aqal Baidaar P55-56 (28) of Irfaan-ii for more details.