Sakhi (Benevolent) is called that one who distributes one today double tomorrow and keeps on giving to others two times of previous distribution every next day and his Sakhawat (Benevolence) should continue until the Day of Doom. Such person is the Kaamil Sakhi and his Sakhawat is running day and night like a river. Sakhi (Benevolent) is called that person who earns respect from and donates that same thing which is loveable (and precious) and desirable. Thus the Ism-e-Azam of Allah is precious and none is more a Sakhi than the Faqeer Arif-Bi-Allah in this world as well as the Next World because he donates the Name of Allah and the Name Allah releases the (efficacious) effectiveness (and the impact) in the body with benevolence and munificence and the Ilm of Tafseer comes in the Ilm of Taseer [(efficacious) effectiveness (and the impact)] and every Ilm and every Sakhaawat gives (efficacious) effectiveness (and the impact) in Ilm. (P177 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan). Please also see P282 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan.