Those Zaakireen in whose body the Asal and Wasal of the Visualization of the Name Allah Essence unite as one and due to this the Satan can never stay around them or enter their bodies and in this way they get permanent freedom against Satan. Or those people who are desirous of achieving the Wasal. That Faqeer who after becoming Fanaa-Fi-Allah (Destroyed in Allah) is Drowned into the Qurb of Allah is called the Ultimate Master the Ahl-al-Wasool . His gaze has the Consent Visualization and Tasarruf has the Consent Tawajuh and Tafakkur has the Consent Informed Reason has the Consent look and Gaze has the Consent and Waham and Thought has the Consent. These are the Maratib of him who is Accepted (and Consented) one [by God]! (P267 Noor ul Huda Klaan. Also see P33 Muhik ul Faqar Khurd P222 Noor ul Huda Klaan.